Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Movie

First movie from the new flip video is Elizabeth watering the Bamboo at the zoo. She felt bad for the bamboo because it was so hot out.

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Movie

I have not been posting much lately, but I have been uploading moves and images to the site. Here's one of Superwife playing with Cassidy.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Linda E

Linda Elizabeth and Carson horsing around.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New Photos

I think I officially "won" parenting last night. I should retire now and go out on top. 

Last night, out of the blue, Elizabeth asked me "Dad, why did the Emperor turn Anakin into Darth Vader?

New Pictures on the Flickr account. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

Hello everyone. I just uploaded some images that superwife shot over the weekend. Make sure you click on over to see the girls in their super-cool easter dresses, coloring eggs, and eating far to much chocolate.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Cassidy Vid


Monday, March 21, 2011

Things Kids Say

Is taste hereditary? Elizabeth makes the case that it may be:

"Sausage is good Daddy, very good, but what I really want is bacon."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cassidy Has A Bath


Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Photos

Some new photos on the Flickr page.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Finally, A Name

Terry and I finally had a few minutes alone last night. We have decided to name our newest princess Cassidy. Superwife and Cassidy are both doing very well. They may be home as early as this evening.

Monday, 7 February
4:52 am
9 lbs 8 oz (a full pound larger than her sisters)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jellybean's First Movie

Here she is everyone:

A few photos on the Flickr page also.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Our Laborious Schedule

Here's the schedule for the next few days:

10:00 Midwife appointment to try and induce labor
11:00 Chelsea v Liverpool
1:30 Acupuncture appointment to try and induce labor
3:00 Mia's Princess Party
6:00 Superbowl

9:00 Scheduled Surgery

You can probably tell which line items are mine and which are Superwife's.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

No News Yet

The due date has come and gone and there is nothing new to report. Dan and Nick are heading home tomorrow but Linda is going to stick around for a while. It'll be nice to have some help once #3 arrives.

Check out the bellies:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bake Sale

Superwife and the girls have done enough baking over the last two weeks to feed an army. We have banana bread, cupcakes, cookies, and brownies.

Last weekend, on the coldest day of the year, Linda decided to hold a bake sale to raise funds. Not sure what the funds are for, toys maybe, but she did earn herself $3.

New (Old) Movies

I'm doing some housecleaning and found a few movies that are to good to keep to myself.

Elizabeth Sings:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jellybean Arrival Countdown

Just a little post to update as the Jellybean's arrival gets closer. I feel good, except when I'm sweeping/mopping/carpet cleaning/shoveling (all of which I've been doing a lot more of than usual or I'd like to). My belly is just so hanging out there that anything that requires a little core stabilization wrecks my lower back. I've got to get Steve to take a picture of it. I'm totally impressed with it. Elizabeth walked in on me in the bathroom today and I had my shirt half up and was rubbing all that undulating stretched out skin. Her response was, "Mommy, put your shirt down. Nobody wants to see that." Ha!

Linda is very impatient now about the baby coming. She said at dinner tonight, rather exasperated, "Can't it just be born tonight??!! January 25th is a perfectly good birthday!" And I think Elizabeth at this point is just incredulous that it will ever come out, no matter how many times I assure her that the fact that it will come out is the only thing of which I'm sure. I'm hoping to sew tomorrow night, but maybe Thursday I'll get the Jellybean 9-month saga that I've been working on out to you all complete with ultrasound pictures. (or maybe I'll go into labor and report a birth story next)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Schadenfreude Day!

Is there a better way to celebrate MLK day then to revel in the universal glory of yesterday's game?
It has been a long time since my last post, but to be completely honest things are very busy at The Jack Girls HQ. We've had the exterior walls insulated, painted, installed new baseboard molding, steam cleaned the carpets, installed a new kitchen floor, and done about 16 tons of laundry. And just when you thought the to-do list couldn't get any longer- Superwife has started making duvet covers and curtains. Things are pretty chaotic now, but as long as the Jelly Bean sticks to the schedule, things should be in top shape when it arrives.
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