Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Vacation, Day Two

We had a slight hiccup this morning. After a quick trip in our new red Radio Flyer to the tailer, we got in the car and headed to Tunnels of Fun, an indoor playground a few blocks from our house, has apparently shut down. We made a quick drive-by to see if they were open yet and instead saw a big LEASE sign in the window instead. I hyped it up to Linda the day before and she was very excited to "go to the place with the tree in the middle with the phone in it and the nets." That description makes perfect sense if you've ever been to Tunnels of Fun. I made a quick change of plans and took them to the Smith Playhouse instead. Tantrum averted. The girls had a great time and it's days like these that I am thrilled that we live in the city. There is always so much to do.

Dinner Tonight: Breaded pork cutlets, roasted potatoes, salad


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