Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas Everybody

Terry and I planned the present wrapping pretty well this year. Rather than leaving it all to the last possible minute, like last year, we did a little each night and were able to get to bed at a normal time on Christmas Eve. The girls woke up at the usual time, around 6:30, without much fuss. It took Linda a few minutes before she blurted out "did Santa Claus come?!" We followed our usual tooth brushing, face washing routine before we went downstairs. Linda's face lit up as soon as she saw the goodies. I think Elizabeth was excited just because she saw how happy the rest of us were. The first thing they saw was a sink and washing machine for their Rose Petal Cottage playhouse. Linda tucked it away in the playhouse and moved on to the next present, but Elizabeth dragged it out of the house and wanted to play with it. The rest of the morning went well as they tore through gift after gift. Christmas 08 was much more fun than last years vomit fest. Thank you to everyone who sent the girls a gift. We are very lucky to have such a generous family.

We leave early tomorrow morning to for Boston for a nice long weekend visit. Merry Christmas.


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