Thursday, January 17, 2008

Boy Crazy

We're in trouble. Elizabeth is following in her sister's footsteps. Linda always seemed to pick the boys to be her bestest friends, even in the infant room (Harry, Christian, Connor, Hudson). She likes to play with the girls, but she's always talking about the boys in her class (and the older ones too). So I was burping Elizabeth on my lap and she started staring at James, who was playing in a bouncy exersaucer type seat across from us. He started smiling and Elizabeth just burst out with giggles, coos, spit bubbles, and smiles. She even did that mouth smacking thing that sounds like she's trying to suck her lips in (or maybe she's blowing kisses??). The whole time their eyes were locked. I couldn't even get her to look at me. When I put her down on the play mat she got so aggravated bending over backwards to look at him that I had to sit her in the Bumbo seat with a toy next to James so she could occasionally look away from the flashing lights at his snotty face. That's not said to be mean- all the boys in Elizabeth's class have running noses, hacking coughs and are receiving albuterol treatments through nebulizers. So they're all snotty. But I digress.

Come to think of it, Linda also this morning told me all the boys names in the room- TJ, Tyreece, Michael, Naseem- and didn't bother to introduce me to Diana, Andrea or Piper. But she did want to sit next to Piper and eat the same kind of muffin (she pushed a blueberry one away so she could have a "brown' (bran) one).


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