Thursday, January 3, 2008

My little rays of sunshine

While the setting was less than desirable, this is one of the cutest things ever and the best reason to have more than one child.

This morning Linda woke up while I was still nursing Elizabeth. She yelled for me to come into her room and I went because I thought something must be wrong (she usually will come in to my room if I tell her that I'm feeding Elizabeth). She just wanted to say good morning. So now that we were all up and mobile, we ventured into the bathroom for a morning pee. While on the toilet, Linda leaned over to Elizabeth, who was sitting on my lap as I perched on the edge of the bathtub trying to resume nursing, and pinched her cheek and said, "How you doing, my little sweetie-pie, my little sunshine?" Suddenly a spark went off in Linda's eyes and she started to sing. "You are my sunshine, my little sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You know dear, I must love you. Don't take my sunshine away!", all the while leaning over about two inches from Elizabeth's face, stroking her cheek. Elizabeth loved it and was smiling wildly. She even leaned in and "kissed" Linda's forehead when the song was over. Linda giggled ecstatically Auntie Kristen style with her teeth clenched. All I could do was grin ear to ear and hug my little sunshines. They are so freaking cute and they love each other! Then Linda broke up the sappiness with the exclamation, "Big ploppers, Mommy!" as she finished up her morning pee with a little poo!


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