Friday, March 19, 2010

Reading Lessons

Last night was my turn to put Linda to sleep. It usually takes Elizabeth about an hour to fall asleep, so Linda and I can get trough quite a few books in that time. Last night, after three other books, we were just about to start a book called "Best Ever Flower Girl." I thought that rather than read it straight through like I did with the others, I'd ask Linda to help me sound out a few of the words. I pointed to the first word in the book and said "what does that say," she very curtly blurted out "DAISY."  Linda knows most of the books by heart, so I thought that might have been a bad word to start with.  I pointed to one in the middle of the page, thinking she'd have to work a little and sound it out, and said "what does this word say?" Again, she seemed rather annoyed by the whole exercise and said "PLAY." Then she looked at me, scrunched up her face, farted, and said "that says you read it Daddy."


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