Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quotes of the morning

Civic minded Linda:
- Here, Mommy.  These are some drawings I want to send to people, like Grammy & Papa and President Obama.  You know, people who live far away.
- You know the only thing I love more than this great city?  You, Mommy!

Child psychologist Elizabeth:
- Mommy, are you getting frustrated yet?  Do you need a beer? I'll get you one 'cause I love you too!
- (During a game of pretending to be puppies/kittens in response to Linda saying, "How many times do I have to tell you?") You have to keep telling.  You are the mommy, so every time.  Every time you tell me. And don't get angry with me because you know I don't like to listen to you when you get angry.  That's your job; you work all the time to tell me. You are the mommy. Got it?  Now come here and get a kitty treat!


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