Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Last night at about 3:15am I was awake at my desk holding Elizabeth and editing ID3 tags. I figured if I was going to be awake I might as well do something productive, if you can consider editing ID3 tags productive. Elizabeth's motor skills are developing very nicely. She reaches for things, has no problems picking them up, and usually gets them in her mouth on the first try. Last night as I was typing away with one hand and holding her with the other, she reached up, grabbed the pacifier out of her mouth with one hand and started hammering my shoulder with it in perfect rhythm all while grinning happily at her accomplishment. Bam, Bam, Bam. I laughed, then she laughed out loud at my laughter and never missed a beat with the pacifier. It almost made being awake at 3 in the morning enjoyable.


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