Monday, April 26, 2010

Things Kids Say

Baseball practice was rained out this weekend so on Sunday morning we went to the Zoo instead. Elizabeth has been doing very well with the potty training so Superwife decided that she was ready to go on a field trip with no diaper. This was the first time (I can remember) she was outside running around in underpants.

As we got into the Zoo Linda and Elizabeth took off running down a hill at top speed.
Elizabeth (yelling excitedly): MAMA, MAMA, my booty is jiggling!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Movie

Just uploaded this to the YouTube page. Click on over and have a look.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Pics

Just uploaded a bunch of new photos including bike riding, lunch in DC, and Easter Sunday. Click on over and have a look.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Game On

Linda and Elizabeth had their first ever baseball practice yesterday. We showed up a bit late, but it didn't matter much. Linda stepped out of the car and into the batters box; after a few lines of instruction from her coach she missed with her first swing and then connected with the second. There was a moment of panic as she wasn't quite sure where to run, but she did ultimately find her way to 1b. Elizabeth's hitting philosophy was a little different than Linda's. As the coach was explaining where to put her hands, she buried her face in my chest and clung on with all four limbs. We eventually got her little more comfortable and, with my help, she did swing and hit. We also ran the bases holding hands, which was kind of fun. Practice was interrupted a few times for a trip to the swings or slide, but they did get through it. Each of them said they enjoyed hitting more than fielding, so I'm hoping they'll stick with it for a while.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Play Ball

Linda and Elizabeth have finally gotten their Little League team assignment and they'll both be playing on the same team, the Cicadas! I'm not sure how this works yet as this Sunday will be their first ever game or practice or something. Updates to follow as I learn more.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What A Weekend, Part II

After our Friday trip to DC it was time for some Saturday fun at home. Just before lunch we headed down to a local playground to see a petting zoo and the second Easter egg hunt of the week. I wasn’t expecting the petting zoo, but it turned out to be pretty fun. There were chicks, puppies, a piglet, some ducks, chickens, a lamb, and an alpaca all accessible to the kids. I felt a little bad for the chicks. A whole bunch of the children were coloring Easter eggs before walking into the petting zoo and the chicks were covered with tiny pink, blue, and lavender finger prints from all the petting and touching. The egg hunt was organized pretty well as they had little sections roped for the different ages of the children. Linda and Elizabeth did a good job and now have more candy at home than Superwife and I will let them eat. The rest of the day was pretty tame as we hung out at home and colored eggs after the girls nap.

Stay Tuned for Part III, Easter With The Amish

Monday, April 5, 2010

What a Weekend, Part I

If the way Sunday ended, with all of us collapsing from exhaustion, you could tell we had a jam packed weekend. On Friday were out of the house by 8:15 and on our way to Washington, DC. Linda and Elizabeth had never been there so Superwife and I decided to take a short day trip to the Museum of Natural History, followed by a picnic lunch on the Mall. I had been prepping Linda and Elizabeth for a few days before letting them know that we’d see some dinosaur bones, some bugs, and some jewels. They were both scared at the thought of dinosaurs, but very excited about bugs and jewels. The ride there went off without a hitch, a little traffic coming in to DC, but that’s to be expected. On our walk from the parking garage to the museum Linda kept commenting “what a beautiful city. I like Washington.” The girls were a little scared by the fossils, a little bored by the jewels, and a little excited about the bug zoo. The picnic on the mall was great as the girls got to see the capital building and big white crayon (Washington Monument) from afar. We mistimed our departure by about an hour and wound up stuck in some pretty bad traffic all the way home, but Friday was still a great day and I cannot wait to do it again this summer.

Stay tuned for:
Part II, The Easter Egg Hunt
Part III, Easter With The Amish
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