Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Movies

I put another two movies from Papa Nick's birthday dinner on my YouTube page. Click on over and have a look.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa

Linda and Nick were in Philadelphia this weekend for a visit. On Friday, Grammy Linda and the girls decorated a cake for papa, and on Saturday Linda and Elizabeth took us all out for pizza (Linda's choice) to celebrate. There are some new photos on the Flickr page of our weekend.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where are the posts?

Where are the posts? That's a great question. I suppose I have not been keeping up the site so well lately. Things have gotten very busy over the past few weeks. Linda and Elizabeth both changed schools. They used to be in two different locations, but starting on 2 March they both moved to a new spot. Everyday their teachers tell me what a good job they are doing and how easily they acclimated to their new environment.

There are some new-ish photos on the Flickr page to see. Terry took some class pictures of Linda and Elizabeth's last day at their old schools. There are also some pictures of them painting and playing with their friend Mya.

Grammie and Papa are making the trip down next weekend so we'll be sure to post some new photos then.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow Day!

Snow Day! Linda and Elizabeth's first day at their new school was snowed oout today.
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